How To Legally Access Shutdown Government Websites Via The Way Back Machine @ ARCHIVE.ORG!

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 -Has the government shutdown caused your favorite websites like NASA's Apollo picture archive or something of that matter to no longer work?  Here I will show you the trick that you may not have known about.  There is something called the "Way Back Machine" over at and it has been taking copies of almost every page on the internet for years and years.   Here you can even search your old favorite websites that are long gone.   Once you know about this resource there are thousands of fun ways to use it!  Comment below and let us know how you use it!

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YouTube User:  WhatsUpInTheSky37 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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