Martian Artifacts Everywhere - Time For NASA To Come Clean!

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 - This is my 180 video on the planet Mars and its anomalies.  I could have made about 1000 videos if I were to show every single anomalies in each picture per video.  This one was one that I came to appreciate when I really took a good look at the length that NASA went to hide the artifacts in the picture.  I cannot understand why they just do not put the pictures out.   I have some seen some really good thumbnails that do not make it to the bigger size on the NASA site. I figured something like this would be one of those that got lost in the shuffle.   There is not one MAJOR anomaly in this picture but a host of smaller and connected pieces of now Mars junk strewn about the area.  Please comment and let me know what you are thinking about this one!  I am going to start to get back to the moon videos soon as well as some of our other planets out there harboring strange secrets :) 

Here is the pic: