MARS - INDIA's MANGALYAAN SPOTS BLUE UFO, Long Strip & Large Alien Buildings. ArtAlienTV

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Latest - Indian Mangalyaan MOM satellite spots a bright blue UFO, a strange long wall or strip and some very large rectangular buildings on Mars during its first orbit. Huge intelligent structures to see here.
the strip seems to be a long row of structures when viewed in detail.
I would like to congratulate India on this remarkable logistical and historical achievement with a big thanks to all the new subscribers from India to ArtAlienTV - welcome aboard everyone.
Perhaps now we will get some real results!
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India's unmanned Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) spacecraft entered Mars orbit on Wednesday, 24 September 2014, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) reported. The MOM orbiter, also known as Mangalyaan or "Mars craft" in Hindi, is the first spacecraft sent by an Asian nation to Mars.
"History has been created today. We have dared to reach out into the unknown and have achieved the near-impossible," Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, during a visit to ISRO's mission command center in Bangalore.
Indian news services said that one of the most celebrated achievements of the MOM mission has been its very low cost. Inserting the Mangalyaan spacecraft in orbit around Mars cost just $74 million. That compares to the US NASA's MAVEN mars mission which cost $671 million.
Mangalyaan, launched Nov. 5, 2013 from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, traveled 414 million miles to Mars before performing its successful orbital insertion maneuvers at around 10.30 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, 23 September 2014, according to ISRO. The spacecraft carries five science instruments for studying the surface of Mars and detecting methane in its atmosphere.