Martian statue. Is that how they look ?

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Is this how a martian look ?


All credit for this ultra awesome Mars images goes to Bob Caldwell

Its awesome an do without much doubt look like an alien/Martian face.

I would so much like to know the sixe of it, but can only guess

Bob Posted this in Alien Life Space Moon Earth Anomaly`s. :

Please click on the images and leave a comment in the facebook group.

spooky 2

This is one of the most awesome finds on Mars.

My personal believe is that Bob found a statue or whats left of it.

What ever your thoughts on it is, feel free to leave a comment by clicking on the image.

spooky 3

Noticed the teeth. !! Big round black shiny eyes !!

Feels just like watching a scifi movie .

spooky 4

This picture gets 7 of 10 stars  

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