What's up, Curiosity?

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Some of you may have noticed that for the last few months the MastCams have been looking downward; that is, the elevation angles of the released images has pretty much been less-than-zero (below horizontal).

As the map pin indicates in the attached photo, as of SOL 995, Curiosity is just starting to move into a position where the actual peak of Mt. Sharp is visible from 'ground level'.  Lat/lon data for the pin is taken directly from the official Curiosity log file at http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/locations.xml, converted to a Google Earth map pin, and plugged into Global Mapper.

I'm really hoping that NASA will point the MastCams upward (above horizontal) and generate a really impressive panorama.

The Mars rover 'Curiosity' located near the base of Mt. Sharp as of SOL 995
Curiosity in Gale Crater as of SOL 995