MARS TINY BOOTED ALIEN: 5 inch Corpse Fossil or Toy Doll? ArtAlienTV

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Part 2 of 2 - Appearing in at least 26 images, this looks to be a small 4 or 5 inch Mars alien, a fossilized and encrusted corpse or doll covered in dried sediment concretion. He (or she) seems to be wearing thigh length boots, has part of 1 arm sticking out and head still attached with what looks like an eye visible, neck broken. His/hers right arm seems to bee holding something close to the torso that is heavily encrusted and hard to make out.
(Above image) Check out the long boots. Also the left leg and neck are broken. Head twisted.
The right boot has a heel and curve like a Cuban stile cowboy boot with a small spur sticking out. 
On balance it is more likely an alien toy doll. 
I have found another angle taken 3 days later showing what could be a glass eye in the possible head of this doll. It is highly reflective even though it is in deep shadow. 
It almost looks as if the light is coming through the back of the head object and shining through a glass eye very brightly. If this was a rock then how would that be possible?
NASA went back to this spot and has taken loads of images of this for some reason. The doll like corpse thing seems to have more sand piled up over it from the area just behind it when you compare the different images.
Why take so many shots of this thing?
Mars gets more bizarre by the day.
Far fetched I know, but Mars is a far fetched place after all!
First found on August 5th and published on YouTube by ArtAlienTV on 17th October 2014. 
Sat on my desktop for a while this one due to a heavy work load :)
This image was taken by Mastcam: Left (MAST_LEFT) onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 614 (2014-04-28 23:24:58 UTC). 
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
From the channel first to publish the "MARS TRAFFIC LIGHT" - and "Mars Cannon" - ArtAlienTV

Exploring Mars SOL 747: fossilised remains of ancient civilisations and more

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Exploring Mars SOL 747: fossilised remains of ancient civilisations and more

Numerous anomalies found in N Thompson’s Gigapan:

Original raw image file location:
images by NASA/JPL/CIT


Humanoid Martian?


Ruins of an ancient temple complex? Toppled columns and statues?




Newswav.wav by Connum:
News End Signature.wav by Mansardian:
012_meditate_turning.wav by free sound:

Please comment and continue your research here:

Alien Grey on FaceBook:

Alien Grey's Youtube channel:

This channel explores the NASA images from Mars and other planets. We find objects in those images that point at - and support - theories about the existence of Greys; both the larger Grey Martians and the smaller organic but manufactured 'bio-pots' (as Nigel Kerner describes them). And also the theory of the late Mr. Zakaria Sitchin; describing our historic foundation and relationship with the Anunnaki and their civilisation and presence on Mars.

We like to look at these images from the perspective in which the dominant assumptions are that:

Mars was and is an inhabited planet,

There are humanoid beings, Greys, and other Martians (some living under the surface in old bases)

There are ruins and fossilised remnants of an ancient civilisations.

The Mars surface is contaminated with debris, tools, machine parts and other anomalies.

Enjoy and please comment and keep co-researching this together.


Mars in True Color

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   If you have spent any sort of time looking at images released by NASA you soon come to realize that Mars gets a dust filter, the Moon gets turned white, and the space station camera suddenly malfunctions everytime a UFO flies by.

Masters of Mars

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YouTube Creator: David Gannett

Description: Resourceful and patient, the "Masters of Mars" include men and women from all over the globe, cleverly end-running NASA's falsification of evidence and revealing an ever-growing body of evidence for intelligent life, past and present, on Mars. This video is dedicated to their ongoing efforts.


Featured Article Of The Week:

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YouTube User:  WhatsUpInTheSky37 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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