Intelligently Built Debris Tossed Around On Mars
- Details
- Category: Mars
- Written by Will Farrar
- Hits: 5614
My buddies and myself have been having a blast going through the PDS database lately. It is so much fun finding the newest anomalies out there but I have been having even more fun lately going back and looking at some of the old ones we have found as well as finding new ones or confirming things I thought I saw because of the much higher quality in the image. I will eventually do a whole video on just how to find images, download them and then convert them. There are many ways and it can get confusing. You figure it would be though since it is sciientific data and who wants that to be easy to pull up!! Smiles. It is good to be back making a video and writing an article. I have been such a busy person lately I hope its never this long again! Thank you all for the support and continued views of older information as well as the new videos!
Just like most Mars Anomaly images there is always a lot of people who come and watch and have already judged the video before even watching. I ask you to please open your mind and watch the following video and view the enhanced versions of each anomaly below before rendering judgment!
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
YouTube User: WhatsUpInTheSky37
I have been going back into the PDS lately looking at some of our earlier finds and looking for things in the 100 percent .img .lbl files that we didn't see in the 70 percent quality artifact packed images. This one is from SOL 978 and is going to be followed by a video I put together a 8 image mosaic that I think you all will love. Here is a taste of the area and a good perspective on size. Much love to everyone who hit me up lately while I have been away. I have been replying to comments and excited that people have been looking at the older videos and commenting! Some of them I am so hyper and excited now I sound like its just another anomalous area. I have been so busy with life and learning new ways to covert the browser images from the scientific data so we can have the best look and talk about what we see! Take care!!! Will
NASA Link:
Analyst Notebook:
WUITS Enhanced Images: (Click Any Image To Bring Up In Full Size)
Click Image Download the 300DPI Enhanced Image:
Thank you for taking your time to read this article and even if you do not agree with my findings I still hope that you enjoyed the video! A thank you is also in store to everyone who has helped with the spacial images and has spent their time researching these taboo subjects so we can all move forward with more information and understanding. If you have a space image or something else related that you would like analyzed feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit for more contact information and more space anomalies.
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