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- Category: Mars
- Written by David Gannett
- Hits: 899
Curiosity Sol 1438 M-100 W-NW PDS by Neville Thompson
Link: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/197017/snapshots/622927
Occasionally you run across an anomaly that is so clear-cut, so concise that it virtually shuts down any further argument. Today’s Context View contains just such an item and lies in the lower right-hand corner. Before going to the zoom however, take a gander at that beautiful blue sky in the background.
For years, NASA put that pukey red-brown color over every single photograph, terrified that we poor unwashed masses might discover that Mars is actually quite Earth-like in many respects. Those of us who did color corrections based upon the rovers’ calibration discs had already known for years that the sky was no different than Earth’s. Then slowly, NASA began to release images showing the sky as it is. Some thought it part of the “slow disclosure” process. Others, that budgetary considerations meant less time for their typical tomfoolery with the publicly-funded and publicly-owned images that they purposely issued in low-res, off-register jpegs. Who knows? Whatever the actual motivation might be, just be assured that despite the effort to shunt attention away from the red planet, Mars has blue sky, clouds, rain, wind, running liquid water, trees, animals, humanoids and (gasp!) - a breathable atmosphere!
Rant finished (for now).
Take a look at the Detail View. How crisp and clean do you want your evidence to be? Let’s make a list. Dead center: a frame-like box weathered by wind and sand but clearly, manufactured. Just below it, a rectangular piece with two knobs on the left end. To the left of that: a square, black block covered with carving. Along the top of the block, a white piece curved to fit around the top edge. Just off the right corner of the latter: a cubical piece half-buried in the sand, carving on the visible surfaces. Directly above it: a black, rectangular piece hollowed out and appearing to be made of corroded metal. And finally, resting inside the right corner of the black box, a perfectly-rectangular piece with a lip that appears to be made either of aluminum or a completely different stone than the surrounding geology.
That’s a whole lot of stuff in one small area! And guess what?
This is NOT BY CHANCE! Researchers the world over find clear evidence of a vanished civilization on Mars as part of the daily routine. While I only present the items which seem “crisp” and clear-cut to me, those that are a bit more ambivalent but that I know in my heart to represent legitimate evidence of past civilization number quite literally, in the thousands.
The numbers are on our side, folks.
Simple! While viewing the stereo pair at a comfortable distance, gently cross your eyes (no eye-strain) until you perceive three images all the same width. The one in the center is in 3D. Just relax into it and your eyes will automatically bring it into focus. Once you have it, you will never forget how to do it. Kinda like riding a bicycle…
For another, more detailed method of viewing X3D stereo, click HERE.
(Click for full-sized image)