NASA Ignores Artifacts From Prior Mars Civilization
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- Category: Mars
- Written by Will Farrar
- Hits: 3787

Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 - NASA is lying to the world. They know that in the Gale Crater lies major ruins that they have found and photographed with the Curiosity Rover. By ignoring key evidence and using blur techniques as well as obfuscation of landscaping they have been able to hide these from the public for the most part. Now we have such an abundance of out of place artifacts in the current locations it is hard to hide everything. I hope you enjoy the videos and please comment and let me know if I have missed anything! I know I missed the bunny ear antennas at the top left of the photograph on the horizon. I wish I had not but may make another quick video to point them out. Much love to you all and always here is the link to the original NASA photo: