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- Category: Mars
- Written by TRUTHSEEKER -Mark Anthony S
- Hits: 4667
Report 234
May 15, 2014
Joseph P. Skipper
J. P. Skipper can be contacted at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I suspect most people when they think of a physical cross also think in terms of the religion Christianity perhaps because that is a faith they were born into and/or choose to live by here on Earth. The cross with the body of Jesus crucified on it is the iconic representation of the Crucifixion and Christianity.
Since Christianity is one of the great religions here on Earth with many millions under it banner, it comes as no surprise to see one of its most famous icons appearing in places of importance here on Earth. However, what about appearing on a distant planet like Mars? Would you be surprised to see it there? Well look at the following brought to my attention by Mark Sappa aka Truthseeker back in March. He has a video on this discovery at;
As you can see above, I've included a lot of increasingly closer and closer views up to a maximum zoom factor of 500%. Beyond that, in my opinion, blur starts becoming too much of a factor. So why stress so many views? For one thing because I know from experience religion and passion prone subject matters tend to go hand in hand and I suspect some can really get fired up over it. Also there are many suspicious objects around in the terrain nearby this cross and I want viewers to be able to have at least a decent look at the context terrain this object sits in.
Please note that this object is obviously meant to be seen sticking upright the way it does and the resolution made available in the original data allows closer examination but also that its size is not meant to dominate the scene. If it is a cross and meant to represent a religious object as so often here on Mars, that suggests the probability that the religion also does not dominate and that who ever put it there is trying to show respect but not to offend someone.
However, take a closer look in the 5th image at the base area of the cross. Note that what one may have assumed to be a rock at the base of the cross in more distant views is actually something smudged out and, except for general outline, it has no detail to it at all, just smudge. In other words, this area at the cross base looks suspiciously like some selective image tampering hiding something and yet not hiding the cross itself. I find that strange but important.
Also, note that the cross sits on top of a partially buried but also partially exposed elevated flat top formation pointed out by the blue arrow in image #2 that more exposed view in turn sits facing in the opposite direction on the edge of a depression of some kind that has served to partially expose it. Are we looking at an old mausoleum or bunker uncovered by what ever created the ground depression on the opposite side of it? One thing is for sure, crosses do not exist naturally in nature and are normally constructs by someone with a culture. The smudge image tampering hiding something at the base of the cross but not hiding the cross itself suggests that someone of our time frame actually wants us to see this cross. But, if so, why?
There is another possibility even if a bit remote. Might this really not be a single object but the darker shadow side of two separate objects that just happen to super impose and cross each other at this particular viewing angle and thereby not be a true cross and have a more natural origin explanation? Yet, if we are to consider that, why would someone feel the need to hide some specific object at the base of the cross with a smudge image tampering application if every thing here is of natural origin?
Then there are other issues to consider. Here on Earth crucifixion on the cross along with the process of impalement culturally existed for hundreds of years before and after Christ. The process was to maximize human suffering and undermine dignity not only of the victim proceeding death but also a gruesome message for anyone associated with the victim as well as even passing strangers. Countless thousands met their end via this barbarous process over the centuries. The Romans in particular employed it many thousands of times for many generations before and after Christ in an attempt to control populations via fear.
It is unquestionably one of the most horrendous horrors that humans can inflict on each other marking both the victim and the perpetrator almost equally as lower than low and which can never be turned away from or washed away from the soul. Yet one special human's passing on the cross redeems this bloody icon transmuting it with this one event into something that stands for good in the perception of many millions down through time and for centuries to come.
If this cross in the Curiosity imaging is for real and this physical cross does actually exist on Mars, then at the very minimum it is a construct created by an intelligent culture with all the implications that go with that. Worse, someone is hiding this reality from us while planning manned colonization missions to the place ignoring the rights of those with prior rights. Do you want to be part of this brand of "Manifest Destiny" behavior?
Joseph P. Skipper, Investigator
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