Curiosity Rover finds Religious Medallion / Statue?

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Youtube User: WhatsUpInTheSky37 - Thanks to Michael Witter for this find he is a awesome researcher online.  Just search for his channel.  This thing defiantly looks like some sort of Religious Medallion or something of that sorts.  As always if your interested please share, comment, subscribe, and here is the link to the real photo on the NASA page!

Already debunked - Space Ship found hovering on Mars by Rover?!

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Youtube User: WhatsUpInTheSky37 : Found ln ats and it is the hardware! 

Our 46th video takes us to a very strange picture that was taking by the Microscopic Imager on the Opportunity Rover on SOL 666.  Many people say this looks like a hovering alien ship.  What do you think?   Very normal or very weird?  As always the link is below! 

Egyptian Statue III found by Oppurtunity Rover

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YouTube User: whatsupinthesky37 -   So I was on Mars Anomaly Research Societies facebook page and saw someone had posted a link to this.  This looks to be the same area my first two Egyptian Statue videos are near.   Let me know if you think this is more natural or a statue!  Comment below!  If you enjoy my videos please share and subscribe! 

Much love to everyone and here as always is a link to the NASA picture so you can download it yourself:

The Carved Face at McMurdo on Mars - Spirit Rover

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YouTube User: whatsupinthesky37 -   Today we are going back to look at a image I had done a previous video on where I just ran through the whole image really fast.  This is one of the best pictures to download if you are looking for proof of old life on Mars.  There is so much in here and we are going to look at each one separately so we can focus in on them.  As always if you enjoy please subscribe to my channel and share with your social media friends!  Much love and here is the link to to the original NASA photo:

Curiosity finds Alien Sculpture on Mars?!

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YouTube User: whatsupinthesky37 -    Our latest video brings us to the Curiosity Rover and a very interesting feature it has found on the surface of Mars. I hesitate making these type of videos because this is more of a speculation video and it could discredit some of the other videos I have done but these were to cool to pass up.  This whole channel is speculation  :)  Thanks to my new friends on the Mars Anomaly Research Society Page on Facebook for the ideas!  I already have a list of 200 anomalies I want to do and every time I pull that page up I see more!  Thank you all for watching this one goes a little long.  If you do not want to hear me talk the main anomaly will be shown first in the start of the video .  Please Subscribe, Share, and help get the Mars research going! 

As always here is the link.

Mars Anomaly Research Society

Has NASA found Vegitation / Life Evidence on Mars?

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YouTube User: whatsupinthesky37 -    I LOVE this picture.  It is in almost every single Mars Life video on the net.  As much as I love it.. My mind is on the fence about if this is vegetation or if it is dirty colored sand being dispersed by ice down from the top of the dunes to the crevasses below.  Let me know what you think below.  Either way this is a beautiful picture of Mars for your collection!  I even find myself contradicting myself in this one :)  It is all about imagination here at my channel.  If you can't handle it.. You won't enjoy it here.. lol.  Much love to everyone as always. 

Sorry it took so long to make a new video.  I am going to get back to Curiosity photo's soon I just have some of the old but fun ones I want to do first :)

As always here is a link to the original page where you can download the photo yourself..

This may not be a conclusive photo but you sure can check out my Lake on Mars video here for more conclusive proof:

Can you tell the difference between a lake on Mars or on Earth? Bet you can't!

Featured Article Of The Week:

Click Here To View Article / Video / Enhanced Images

YouTube User:  WhatsUpInTheSky37 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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