NASA Mission reveals the Glass Tubes of Mars?!

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YouTube User: whatsupinthesky37 -    These have been made famous over the years and I had to do a video on them!  What do you think these strange formations are?  Just sand?  Translucent Glass?  Railway Station from Millions of Years ago?  Please comment below and hit subscribe to keep up on all the Anomalies!  I have about 1000 photo's and will do a video for each one if I can find the time!  Much love to all the people who come back time and time again!  For those who comment and get involved as well I do this for you all! 

Here is a link to the original NASA photo!

Curiosity Rover finds Steering Wheel or Braced Circle?

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YouTube User: whatsupinthesky37 -  We are back looking at the circle object above the 10 legged critter I put out earlier this week.  A subscriber thought this needed more looking out and I always listen to you all!  The ones who are respectful that is!   I hope you enjoy this isn't one of my best anomaly pictures but I still think its worth a look.  Much love and as always please subscribe, share, and help spread the word about Mars and other planets!  Here is the link to the NASA photo as I always promise and give:

Tree's & Forest found by NASA during MOC Mission

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YouTube User: whatsupinthesky37 -  In the last video we brought you the Lake on Mars so today I wanted to bring you the big tree's and forest that grow in certain parts of the red planet.  Thanks to J.P. Skipper for all his great research and helping find some of these photos for the world to view!  If you enjoy please Share, Subscribe and all that good stuff!  Much love to you all and as always here is a link to the original NASA photo:

JP Skippers Page with more information Life On Mars!

Lake & Tree's found by NASA MOC Mission shows life on Mars!

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YouTube User: whatsupinthesky37 - We are back with video number 37 and a classic shot from the MOC series which looks to show a forest and what appears to be a lake.  Comment below and let us know what you think?  Could this be evidence overlooked by NASA or just plain ignored showing signs of biological life on the planet Mars?

Please Subscribe and Share if you enjoy and as always here is a link to the original NASA photo:

J. P. Skipper has done amazing research and this was based of off his research at

Curiosity Rover Proves Life On Mars!? Rat, Iguana, Lizard

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YouTube User: whatsupinthesky37 - Has the Curiosity rover now sent back enough evidence for NASA to officially claim that Life may not have only existed in the past but is currently crawling around on the red planet?  I wouldn't count on it anytime soon but you tell us if you think these Anomalies are real or just rocks and shadows?   Comment below and as always if you enjoy please Subscribe and Share!  As always I will provide you with links to all three pictures since I am often accused of photoshopping these images.  Have a wonderful day!

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YouTube User:  WhatsUpInTheSky37 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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