Pyramids on the Moon !!
- Details
- Category: Moon
- Written by Thomas Mikey Scrøder Jensen
- Hits: 7878
Pyramids on the Moon ?
After posting some images of a tower on the Moon in Lunar Anomaly Research Society, i did by coincidense found an image posted by Martin Van Vuuren, of a lunar orbiter 2 image.
Thats the most awesome LO image i ever seen.!!! Check it out for yourself
All links at the bottom of this page
This does to me indeed looks like pyramids in different shapes and sizes !!
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Bret Colin Sheppard Founder of LARS Lunar Anomaly Research Society, saw these pyramids for the first time back in 1982, and have tried to tell the public about them since then.
And just below this image on the original, there was this interesting construction in what looks like a crater.
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Check out the original image by clicking on the picture below or the link.
A good facebookgroup LARS .:
Please visit the Mars Moon Space PZC Group on facebook for more awesome images.