West Virginia Man Catches E.T. Outside His Home

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(image: Morgantown, W.V.Credit:Google)

On December 9th, 2014, a Morgantown, West Virginia man catches something outside his house that literally, FREAKED HIM OUT!

The man awakes about 2:30 a.m. on December 9th, he goes downstairs and opens the sliding glass doors that are facing in a southwest direction. Witness says this is where he goes to smoke since his wife is pregnant and doesn't like to smoke the house up

So the man lights up his cigarette and looks at his smartphone for a moment, just then he looked up and saw it. He says he has a short backyard, approx. 15ft sloping upward at 45 degrees for approx. 40 feet to a road with a newly built vacant house on the opposite side of the road. He adds that the vacant house always has the outside light on.

At the top of the hill (In front of the road and vacant house) there was a black mass looking like a black box approx 8 feet long and 6 feet tall. Next to this black mass was a being, appearance like the classical grey. Four-five feet tall with long skinny arms. The being had one arm on the box as if it was leaning or holding itself up against the black mass or box. You could clearly see it with the outside house light being on at the vacant house. He says this last for two to three seconds until an animalistic fear came over him like nothing before. He also states he had a strong feeling that the being wanted him to see it since it was standing directly in front of the well lit house.

He says the being shot into or behind the black object when the man felt the fear rush through him, as if it could sense his fear. The being moved mechanical-like, strangely smooth and graceful without a sound. Which scared him even more! After standing there for another 8-10 seconds the man yelled," YOUR FREAKING ME OUT!," and then went inside and layed there till sunrise.

Credit: MUFON.com



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