file I found this on the Moon. Its definately a "made" structure. Actually looks a lot like a turret.

6 years 6 months ago #13535 by Dazzadasha
Ok Ive tried twice to upload a video and both times I've had server errors whilst uploading the vid so I'll point to my Youtube channel instead - Its the only video on the channel as I actually made the channel just to share the vid. Its not getting any attention though. Anyway I'm Daz and thanks for having me. Its a video of a structure that I discovered on the moon. Its kind of Turret like, with what looks like entrances to bunkers or smaller structures behind and around it. I hope its well received here. The vid is an MP4 and about 150mb. Oh yeah - apologies for the TV noise in the background.

Cheers, Daz.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Glitch_Neo

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6 years 5 months ago #13537 by Glitch_Neo

Hey DazzaDasha - Firstly Welcome to the Forum. If you have been a visitor for a while they welcome on board with the first post!

Can I ask what were you viewing the Moon on, Lroc Browser - Image Atlas? A web address would be good to have a closer looksie!

Warm Welcome from TerraForm Mars / aka Glitch_neo... :S

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6 years 5 months ago #13538 by Todd
Hi Dazzadasha and welcome!:cheer: I'm not sure what feature that is, but it's large. There may be higher resolution images of it. One of the best Lunar search tools is the LROC WMS Viewer , it might help you map it out at least, even if there are no images available.

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6 years 5 months ago #13557 by Dazzadasha
Cheers Todd. Its in the Newcomb crater. Had a browse at LROC but couldnt find any Newcomb crater shots.The app I use is Moon Atlas 3D.

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6 years 5 months ago - 6 years 5 months ago #13564 by Todd
There is a decent series of Apollo 15 70mm Hasselblad orbital images showing Newcomb Crater, frame AS15-91-12352, AS15-91-12353 & AS15-91-12354. Here's a version I processed from the NASA/JSC/Arizona State University raw TIF scans and uploaded to GigaPan.
Last edit: 6 years 5 months ago by Todd. Reason: Spacing error fixed

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6 years 5 months ago - 6 years 5 months ago #13571 by Dazzadasha
Thanks Todd. Yeah its definitely the same crater. Do you have any theories about the object ? I looked at some huge mining machinery we use on earth. kind of shaped like something similar. Its casting a definite shadow. so I'm leaning toward a legit object - a very, very large object. It seriously surprises me how nonchalant people are these days about these things. I show my teenagers and thy just say "OH cool" and shrug their shoulders. Back when I was their age I'd have been all over it. Same with Mars. There's so much wreckage up there that it seriously makes one question everything we were taught.
Thanks again Todd.
Edit- couple of errors.
Last edit: 6 years 5 months ago by . Reason: FIFY.

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6 years 5 months ago - 6 years 5 months ago #13572 by Todd
I find the crater morphology similar to something that might have been made using the Bucket Wheel Excavator . The crater is relatively immense at 39.8 km across and there is a lot going on there. The southern wall, which is at the top in the GigaPan, have some really bizarre inset features, there's a patch in the southwest (upper left) which looks like it has a series of structures and the changing terrain from North to South is really unique and constantly changing. It seems every Lunar Crater has something different going on. There is an Apollo 17 orbital and some Lunar Orbiter images of Newcomb, I'll keep checking to see what's out there. It is an interesting feature, thanks for bringing to my attention, I'm not sure I've ever taken a good look at it until now.
Last edit: 6 years 5 months ago by Todd. Reason: Nomenclature link added
The following user(s) said Thank You: , Dazzadasha

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