file Wheel Damage Affects Curiosity's Mission

10 years 7 months ago #143 by ben evans
Wheel Damage Affects Curiosity's Mission was created by ben evans
this really makes me wonder why nasa would use aluminum wheels. it makes no sense at all. as far as I know the other rovers don't have wheel damage, so why did they not just go with the same thing as they can see it works well, but the nasa scientist know that this might happen as the weight of that rover would eventually tear them wheels up even if it were aircraft grade aluminum. I just wonder why??? what do you guys think.


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10 years 7 months ago #145 by WillFarrar
Replied by WillFarrar on topic Wheel Damage Affects Curiosity's Mission
It has driven me crazy since the first time they mentioned it. Someone should be fired. 2 billion dollars for shitty wheels? It really does piss me off to no end thinking about it!!!!

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10 years 7 months ago #146 by ben evans
Replied by ben evans on topic Wheel Damage Affects Curiosity's Mission
I'm with you will. I don't understand it at all, two billion bucks for a set of shitty aluminum wheels makes not one bit of sense to me at all.. who ever thought of this idea must have known what would happen to the aluminum as there nasa scientist. this is what makes me wonder why???


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10 years 7 months ago #149 by heckco
Replied by heckco on topic Wheel Damage Affects Curiosity's Mission
Are we really surprise that NASA will opt out on getting better wheels for cheaper. United States Government spend 25 dollar for a hammer. Maybe we should do public oversee committee for NASA. We need unbiased individuals that would care more for open door policy then keeping national security.


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