lightbulb The Moon: Relic From An Advanced Prehistoric Civilization

5 years 10 months ago #14703 by EnergyGem
The Moon has been seen by many researchers and scientists as rather an anomaly. I won't get into the long list of anomalies here as many are probably aware of many of them. A quick article on some of the anomalies of the moon can be found here:

Also there have been records from ancient history of a time in the remote past where the moon simply didn't exist:

Master Li Hongzhi (the founder of Falun Dafa) had this to say about the Moon in some of his Buddha Law excerpts:

Excerpt 1:

“Nowadays humankind considers itself to be the one and only higher life-form in the entire universe. I can tell you that in reality humankind is the single lowest life-form in the entire universe. There are living beings on every planet (in other dimensions) except the moon. The moon was constructed by a humankind in the past (humankind’s history repeats in cycles). When humankind’s karma becomes too massive, the human race is destroyed.

Then a new human race again comes into being and evolves. Later, when it becomes bad, it is again destroyed. Since I mentioned the moon, I will tell you that the moon was constructed by a prehistoric humankind in a rather distant age. It wasn’t this large back when it was first constructed, though it was brighter than it is today. Yet that alone would have seemed quite large to humankind today.

Because it’s hollow, with the passage of time it has gradually become covered with the dust that continually falls from explosions of the universe’s matter. The dust of material that’s generated from the explosions when planets are re-created has continually covered the moon; this has significantly increased the thickness of the moon’s surface. The thickness of its surface has increased to several dozen kilometers; that is the dust on it. If dozens of kilometers were subtracted it would be its original size.”

Excerpt 2:

“In the past, the situation never resembled that of today’s science. So the mankind’s of different time periods were of course developing in the ways of those times. People at one time recognized the trouble that the dark of night caused people, so they constructed a moon up there to bring light to Earth during the night.”

Excerpt 3:

"Human beings nowadays can’t build a moon and place it in the sky, yet in the history of the human race, human beings were able to do so. However, the science developed by the human race of today and the current circumstances of today are not the only path in the entire process of the human race’s development. There are various paths of development. "

Also, a Falun Dafa practitioner recalled one of his past lives in which he was one of the engineers overseeing the construction of the moon:

Recollection of a prehistoric time

I have been reincarnated for many lives. I remember that I was once
reincarnated during a prehistoric age into a highly developed technical
society. Their technology was much more advanced than ours today. Many
of the technologies we now consider impossible were common occurrences.
For example, they manufactured a moon to shine in the dark night on
earth. I was an engineer at that time and I was involved in
constructing the moon. I remember that the moon was not only hollow but
also filled with all kinds of precision control instruments and gear

The degree of precision of the machine was far ahead of our
most advanced science and technology today. These machines were able to
maintain the moon to accurately revolve around the earth. They also
used a very high-density energy source to keep the moon continuing to
encircle the earth without stopping. The frontal surface of the moon
was so polished at that time that it reflected the light at night.
There were control instruments on the backside of the moon. That was
why the frontal face is always facing the earth and we are not able to
see the backside.

Many contemporary painters and artists have created imaginary
prehistoric works. Some of them are very vivid. Actually, these works
represent the remnants of their memories from their lives then. The
human prehistoric civilization was certainly very advanced. They could
put a city in the sky. Their flying machines were not limited to
airplanes; they made gigantic ships to fly in the sky.

They used pure and high-density energy sources that didn't cause any
environmental pollution. Modern people have found only the stoneware
left over from the ancient civilizations. Therefore, people now think the
prehistoric humans only used stoneware. Since there isn't any evidence of
prehistoric people using "electricity," modern people conclude that
there wasn't any civilization in the prehistoric age. It's really a
prejudice based on contemporary science.

Some people think that the contemporary human beings are the sole
exemplars of civilization and are the most advanced people in human
history. Actually, it is exactly the opposite. Our contemporary
civilization is a base, lowly developed civilization. The prehistoric
humans valued the power of spirit. They knew that mind and matter is
one thing. They often used their power of minds to strengthen the
development of materials, unlike contemporary humans who only emphasize

For example, they purified their thoughts. When their minds became very
pure, they could strengthen certain kinds of energy. After they
assembled the moon that I talked about earlier, they installed machines
made of some kind of crystal. (Actually, it wasn't a crystal, but some
kind of pure ore instead.)

They meditated and used their thoughts to strengthen the energy level of the ore.
The moon rose into the sky and entered its orbit. Then they proceeded to
assemble and build a huge scaffold while in orbit. Numerous spaceships
shuttled back and forth. The spaceships were either for a single person or
two people.They wore light space suits and worked day and night incessantly.
They looked extremely lively.

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5 years 10 months ago #14738 by EnergyGem
Here is a high resolution photo that was taken by an amateur photographer of the Aristarchus crater on the moon that's in full colour. It looks like a high velocity impact into solid metal:

For comparison, different bullets being shot on at a thick sheet of titanium:

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5 years 10 months ago #14739 by Todd
Hello EnergyGem and welcome!:cheer: I have always been fascinated by Aristarchus Crater and the Plateau. The raw scan of the 70mm orbital Hasselblad from AS15 looks similar to the telescope image, although the color on it is somewhat fried, perhaps due to the aging process suffered by the original negative. I did get similar results by combining RGB and lab color together. Beautiful color on that telescope image!B) The image below was processed from the NASA/JSC/Arizona State University raw tif scan.

NASA/JSC/Arizona State University original

The crater definitely has a metallic albedo. Here is a greyscale image taken by the Apollo 15 panoramic camera that I processed and uploaded to GigaPan.

The color is similar to Ina.

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5 years 10 months ago #14740 by WillFarrar
Welcome to the forum and the site! Fascinating stuff and many roads have lead me past some the exact same thinking. Will have more time to reply later! Interesting post and like Todd I have been fascinated by that crater as well. It is beautiful and mysterious!

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5 years 10 months ago #14745 by EnergyGem

Hello EnergyGem and welcome!:cheer: I have always been fascinated by Aristarchus Crater and the Plateau. The raw scan of the 70mm orbital Hasselblad from AS15 looks similar to the telescope image, although the color on it is somewhat fried, perhaps due to the aging process suffered by the original negative. I did get similar results by combining RGB and lab color together. Beautiful color on that telescope image!B) The image below was processed from the NASA/JSC/Arizona State University raw tif scan.

NASA/JSC/Arizona State University original

The crater definitely has a metallic albedo. Here is a greyscale image taken by the Apollo 15 panoramic camera that I processed and uploaded to GigaPan.

The color is similar to Ina.

Thankyou Todd and Will. That's a very nice high res pic of the Aristarchus Crater, nice Gigapan too, I just wish NASA would release more full colour images of the moon. : )

Yes the guy who took that telescope pic has more high res images of the moon at his site,some very cool shots:

I found one additional article in regards to the moon by a Falun Dafa practitioner ( It's interesting as it touches on what a few others on a different forum speculated about the moon being an space 'ark' of sorts. The original article is in Chinese so the translation isn't perfect:

"At a certain time in the last earth, Dafa was circulated in the human world. Because of the incomparable power of Dafa, the moral level of the entire human race reached an unprecedented height. At the same time, it has also created a highly developed human civilization. The moon was created at that time. Its role is not only lighting, but also a benign coordination of the earth's ecological environment. It is also a spacecraft that can travel the universe for a long time and has a powerful weapon system that protects it and the planet from the invasion and destruction of the evil life of alien galaxies.

The shape of the moon is elliptical, and one end is always facing the earth, so it is round from the ground. Its outer casing can be opened, and when it is opened it looks like a blooming lotus flower. The key to starting it is a sword that is infused with powerful energy. The strength of its various functions is determined by the driver's heart. When the end of this civilization (civilization that exists for each time there is a fixed number ), human morality is not only not bad, but better than ever. This can't destroy it, but it can't let it affect the next civilization, so the people of that period and the civilization they created are sent to another beautiful space by God. But the moon was left behind.

At the end of the last civilization of the last earth, mankind became extremely corrupt, and in order to compete for energy, it was caught in a long-term war, and finally the earth exploded in the war . But a group of good people were saved by the Dafa's successor before the explosion. And when the earth exploded, the moon began to fly away, and a star travel began. I met a lot of alien civilizations during the trip, and some of them were very good. I took the essence to the moon. Among them are the Tantric cultivation methods and the pyramid civilization. Some are very bad, even want to capture the moon, and the result is hit hard by the moon. These ties with aliens later became an excuse for the old forces to allow aliens to come to Earth.

After the birth of the new Earth, the moon returned to the solar system and stopped in orbit close to the Earth (near the distance). Since the people who were rescued in the moon had multiplied in the past, they returned to Earth. God did not allow them to live on the ground, they went underground (Argatha). There, they formed five countries. Because of their advanced technology, they often drive the aircraft to and from the ground, between the moon, or in the solar system free flight. They are also defenders of the earth. Because of their high morality, they live rich and happy. They are generally very long-lived, especially their kings are practitioners , and often have a very long life. When they practice to a certain extent, they will live in the moon. Although they are not in contact with humans on the ground, they sometimes teach them some knowledge in a suggestive way. In this way, until more than 10,000 years ago, under the control of the old forces, a great change took place.

The cause was a war between the two countries (Atlantis and Mu). As a result, the moon and the moon's outer shell were damaged. The two countries that waged war were severely punished by God. Their land and people were sunk into the sea. The natives opened the moon to the current orbit and repaired its outer shell, but the ability of the moon to regulate the ecological environment was greatly lost. Many forests on the earth have gradually disappeared and the climate has gradually deteriorated. The energy of the Earth's core has also begun to weaken, and the technology possessed by the civilizations that rely on this energy is not as good as before.

Around five thousand years ago, more trouble came again, a huge alien fleet appears in the solar system, they are to occupy the earth. It was not a problem for the people in the land to drive them away . However, at this time, the civilization inside the land (Argatha) was not as good as before. It was not their opponent. In the absence of a solution, they had to start the injured moon and wipe out the alien fleet. But when the key to the moon was started, the sword was broken. The gods who guard the moon inserted the broken sword into a huge stone in the world, and left a prophecy : Who can pull out the sword in the future, who is the person who can repair the sword and the moon. The two of them were beaten into the mortal world because of their dereliction of duty. Later, they were repaired back into the moon, but they were reincarnation in the world.

Later, the aliens invaded again, and the people inside the world retreated until they were completely enclosed by the aliens in the core. At the same time, the aliens created " science " and "communism", completely severing the connection between man and God. Thereby completely controlling humans. A few decades ago, a king of the inner world (Argatha) king pulled out the sword, and he was sent to the world to find ways to save the nation and the moon. He was killed by aliens after he rushed out of the ground, but the gods were born to China and got the law. He recalled it (precognition) four years ago and wrote it now."

Original article in Chinese:

A PDF that goes into some more details about this period (comes with english translation):

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