check Debris in AS10 Hasselblads Taken by AS08 First?

5 years 6 months ago #15044 by Todd
NASA/JSC/Arizona State University has put a complete collection of 70mm Hasselblad scans together on the March to the Moon website. A few years ago I published an article on WUITS speculating that the debris that appears in three AS10 70mm frames was most likely imaged by AS08 first. If this is the case, it means that the debris was probably not mylar insulation off of the AS10 hatch as originally speculated. Now we have new scans from both the AS10 & AS08 mission. Below are cropped versions made from the new scans of AS10-28-3988, AS10-28-3989 & AS10-28-3990. Outside of cropping the images to the subject, they are as they appear on the site.

NASA/JSC/ASU original

NASA/JSC/ASU original

NASA/JSC/ASU original

Here is a cropped version of the relevant AS08 frame taken in roughly the same area which shows similar or perhaps the exact same debris present somewhere between the craters Ventris and the westen edge of the Aitken / South Pole border.
It shows up right near the frame edge, which is why I included the sprocket hole in my crop. Enlarged version below.

NASA/JSC/ASU original

I think the difference between the AS10 images and the AS08 image is that in the AS08 image, the debris is completely illuminated. In the AS10 images, even though they are closer, the object is angled to the camera and so a portion of the object is not completely illuminated. If this is all the same object, then it goes without saying that, whatever it is, it did not come off of the Apollo 10 hatch. Could it originally be a piece of the Apollo 8 insulation? Perhaps, or maybe the object is something from one the the many probes sent to the Moon, like a vehicle from the Lunar Orbiter program. What do you think? Are we looking at the same object?

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