What Is This On The Moon? Possible Anomaly? Submitted By Subscriber John e
- Details
- Category: Moon
- Written by Will Farrar
- Hits: 7034

Thank you to John Endersby for sending this image on over to me and sharing his original video with WhatsUpInTheSky. While John was taking video for the eclipse of 8/10/2014 when replaying back the footage he noticed this object. This was the only time he has ever seen this object on the moon. Have you ever seen it? Please let us know!
Just like most Moon Anomaly images there is always a lot of people who come and watch and have already judged the video before even watching. I ask you to please open your mind and watch the following video and view the enhanced versions of each anomaly below before rendering judgment!
YouTube User: WhatsUpInTheSky37
This was sent to me by a friend of mine named John Endersby. He is an amateur astronomer who lives in a great area to catch images of the Moon and Sun with his telescope. During the lunar eclipse of 8/10/14 he caught this with his telescope and webcam. The quality is not sharp sharp but we would love to hear your comments on what you think this huge thing is! He has not seen it since that day or in any footage since then other then the image from the UFO article that is in the video. Enjoy and please comment below!
John's YouTube video with anomaly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyWt9O3waUg
John's Photos: https://www.facebook.com/john.endersby.39/media_set?set=a.316385458571157.1073741834.100005991151310&type=3
Enhanced Images:
Thank you for taking your time to read this article and even if you do not agree with my findings I still hope that you enjoyed the video! A thank you is also in store to everyone who has helped with the spacial images and has spent their time researching these taboo subjects so we can all move forward with more information and understanding. If you have a space image or something else related that you would like analyzed feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit http://www.whatsupinthesky.com for more contact information and more space anomalies.
Will Farrar – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – http://www.youtube.com/whatsupinthesky37
Find Me On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/willfarrar